Saturday, June 13, 2015

101 Miniature Schnauzers.

This is my first attempt at posting a short video. It is some footage that I took a few years ago when we had a houseful of Miniature Schnauzer puppies. Both of our bitches, Molly and Chloe had puppies at much the same time and although there were only 15 pups sometimes it seemed like there were 101, particularly at feeding time!

Check out a short clip about meal time. The two litters had to be separated during feeding because the first litter, being bigger, would finish first and then take the smaller pups food. These guys don't know when to stop eating.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

People know that Africa is a big place but they don't realise that it is really huge! We are accustomed to seeing the World using the Mercator Projection which distorts the size of various countries, making some look larger and others smaller than they really are. Check out the following images which show Africa with other countries superimposed.